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  • 王玉

    <p>主任医师,教授,医学博士,博士生导师。从事脑血管疾病(脑梗死、脑出血)、头晕、眩晕、抑郁和焦虑障碍等神经内科疾病的诊治,擅长癫痫和头痛的临床诊治和研究。现任安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经内科副主任,临床神经电生理中心主任,安徽省学术和技术带头人,安徽省卫生系统青年领军人物。目前主持的科学研究项目有包括国家自然科学基金在内的国家级和省部级科研项目多项。现任中国医疗保健国际交流促进会神经病学分会委员、中国神经科学学会神经病学基础与临床分会委员、中华医学会神经病学分会脑电图与癫痫学组委员、中国医师协会癫痫专业委员会委员,安徽省临床神经电生理学会主任委员、安徽省医学会神经病学分会常务委员、安徽省医师协会神经内科医师分会常务委员、安徽省抗癫痫协会常务理事、华东地区临床神经电生理学会委员、中国国家自然科学基金评审专家等、国际神经病学和神经外科学、安徽医学、安徽医药、Journal of headache and pain、CNS neuroscience and therapeutics、Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery、Pain research and management等专业期刊编委和审稿人。发表论文70余篇,其中30余篇SCI论文。曾在美国维吉尼亚大学和美国国防医学科技大学工作和学习5年余。近年发表的主要学术论文(*表示通讯作者)1.Wang QQ,Zhu LJ,Wang XH,Zuo J,He HY,Tian MM,Wang L,Liang GL,Wang Y*.Chronic trigeminal nerve stimulation protects against seizures,cognitive impairments,hippocampal apoptosis and inflammatory responses in epileptic rats.Journal of Molecular Neuroscience,2016,59:78-89 2.Lu YN,Pan QQ,Pan JF,Wang L,Lu YY,Hu LH,Wang Y*.Linear headache:clinical characteristics of eight new cases.Springerplus 2016;5(1)347.3.Wang L,Pan JF,Lu YY,Hu LH,Lu YN,Pan QQ,Wang Y*.A recurrent headache circumscribed in a coronal line-shaped area around the head:a coronal linear headache.Springerplus 2016;5(1)315.4.Li LY,Yang WM,Chen HZ,Wu YH,Fang X,Zhang J,Wang Z,Han YS,Wang Y*.Successful Splenectomy for Hypersplenism in Wilson&#39;s Disease:A Single Center Experience from China.PLoS One.2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0124569.5.Wang Y*,Pan QQ,Lu YN,Tian MM,Wang XH.Linear interictal pain in Epicrania Fugax:a reply.The journal of headache and pain 2015 Mar 17;16(1):23.6.Wang Y*,Yu CY,Huang L,Han YY,Liu YM,Zhu J.Acute longitudinal and hemorrhagic myelitis caused by varicella-zoster virus in an immunocompetent adolescent.The Neurologist 2015 Apr;19(4):93-5.7.Wang Y*,Tian MM,Wang XH,Zhu XQ,Liu Y,Lu YN,Pan QQ.Linear headache:a recurrent unilateral head pain circumscribed in a line-shaped area.The journal of headache and pain 2014,15(1):45 8.Wang Y*,Wang XH,Tian MM,Xie CJ,Liu Y,Pan QQ,Lu YN:Ophthalmoplegia starting with a headache circumscribed in a line-shaped area:a subtype of ophthalmoplegic migraine?The journal of headache and pain 2014,15(1):19.9.Jiang Y,Hu Y,Wang Y,Zhou N,Zhu L,Wang K.Empathy and emotion recognition in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy.Epilepsy&amp;Behavior 08/2014;37:139–144.10.Yu CY,Gui W,He HY,Wang XS,Zuo J,Huang L,Zhou N,Wang K,Wang Y*.Neuronal and Astroglial TGFβ-Smad3 Signaling Pathways Differentially Regulate Dendrite Growth and Synaptogenesis.Neuromolecular Med.2014,16(2):457-472.11.Jiang Y,Hu Y,Wang Y,Zhou N,Zhu L,Wang K.Empathy and emotion recognition in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy.Epilepsy&amp;Behavior.2014;37:139–144.12.Wang Q,Ye X,Hu P,Wang Y,Zhang J,Yu F,Tian Y,Wang K.Deficient local biological motion perception in migraineurs:results from a duration discrimination paradigm.Brain Res.2014,1579:56-64.13.Villapol S,Wang Y(co-first author),Adams M,Symes AJ.Smad3 deficiency increases cortical and hippocampal neuronal loss following traumatic brain injury.Experimental neurology.2013,250:353-365.14.Deng M,Wei L,Zuo X,Tian Y,Xie F,Hu P,Zhu C,Yu F,Meng Y,Wang H,Zhang F,Ma H,Ye R,Cheng H,Du J,Dong W,Zhou S,Wang C,Wang Y,Wang J,Chen X,Sun Z,Zhou N,Jiang Y,Liu X,Li X,Zhang N,Liu N,Guan Y,Han Y,Han Y,Lv X,Fu Y,Yu H,Xi C,Xie D,Zhao Q,Xie P,Wang X,Zhang Z,Shen L,Cui Y,Yin X,Cheng H,Liang B,Zheng X,Lee TM,Chen G,Zhou F,Veldink JH,Robberecht W,Landers JE,Andersen PM,Al-Chalabi A,Shaw C,Liu C,Tang B,Xiao S,Robertson J,Zhang F,van den Berg LH,Sun L,Liu J,Yang S,Ju X,Wang K,Zhang X.Genome-wide association analyses in Han Chinese identify two new susceptibility loci for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Nat Genet.2013,45(6):697-700.15.Wang Y*and Wang XS.Migraine-like headache from an infarction in the periaqueductal gray area of the midbrain.Pain Medicine,2013,14(6):948-9 16.Jin P and Wang Y*.Atypical cluster and migraine headaches starting with a reverse epicrania fugax.Pain medicine,2013,14(5):765-766 17.He S,Shao LR,Wang Y(co-second author),Bausch SB.Synaptic and extrasynaptic plasticity in glutamatergic circuits involving dentate granule cells following chronic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor inhibition.Journal of neurophysiology,2013,109(6):1535-1547 18.Li LY,Li JL,Zhang HM,Yang WM,Wang K,Fang Y and Wang Y*.TGFβ1 treatment reduces hippocampal damage,spontaneous recurrent seizures and learning memory deficits in pilocarpine treated rats.Journal of Molecular Neuroscience,2013,50(1):109-23 19.Huang L,Yu CY,Wang BN,Gui W,Zhang HM,Li LY and Wang Y*.Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia causing a presentation resembling basilar-type migraine.Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery,2013,115(6):784-786 20.Li LY,Yu CY,Huang L and Wang Y*.Limb-shaking transient ischemic attack responsive to nimodipine:A case report.Neurology Asia,2012,17(4):353-356.21.Zhu J,Li JL,Liu YM,Han YY and Wang Y*.Unilateral headache with visual aura from a Wallenberg’s syndrome.CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics.2012,18(7):598-600.22.Wang Y*,Liu PP,Li LY,Zhang HM and Li T.Hypothermia reduces brain edema,spontaneous recurrent seizure attack and learning memory deficits in the kainic acid treated rats.CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics.2011,17(5):271-280.23.Wang Y*,Yu CY,Huang L,Riederer F,Ettlin D.Familial occipital neuralgia with sporadic NIN:a reply.Journal of Headache Pain.2011,12(6):659.24.Han YY,Gui W,Zhu J,Liu YM,Wang K and Wang Y*.Thunderclap headache triggered by micturition:responsive to nimodipine.Journal of Headache Pain.2011,12(6):649-51.25.Wang Y*,Yu CY,Huang L,Riederer F,Ettlin D.Familial neuralgia of occipital and intermedius nerves in a Chinese family.Journal of Headache Pain.2011,12(4):497-500.26.Tian Y,Wei L,Wang C,Chen H,Jin S,Wang Y,Wang K.Dissociation between visual line bisection and mental number line bisection in schizophrenia.Neuroscencei Letter.2011,491(3):192-5.27.Wang Y,Symes AJ.Smad3 Deficiency Reduces Neurogenesis in Adult Mice.Journal of Molecular Neuroscience.2010,41(3):383-96.28.Wang H,Katagiri Y,McCann TE,Unsworth E,Goldsmith P,Yu ZX,Tan F,Santiago L,Mills EM,Wang Y,Symes AJ,Geller HM.Chondroitin 4 sulfation negatively regulates axonal guidance and growth.Journal of Cell Science,2008,121:3083-91.29.Wang Y,Moges H,Bharucha Y,Symes A.Smad3 null mice display more rapid wound closure and reduced scar formation after a stab wound to the cerebral cortex.Experimental Neurology.2007,203:168-84.30.Wang Y,Ruan X,Zhang S,Sun X.Effect of interleukin-1βon the elevation of cytoplasmic free calcium of the cultured hippocampal neurons induced by L-glutamate.J Tongji Med Univ.1999;19(2):120-3.<br/>社会任职<br/>中华医学会委员</p>


    <p><span style="font-size:18px;">吉林大学毕业&nbsp;本科学历 &nbsp;中医科护士&nbsp;&nbsp;2009年毕业后,曾先后在影像中心、康复医院、康复科及中医科工作,具有丰富的临床护理工作经验,擅长电脑信息化的开发与制作及中医的各项护理技术。</span></p>












    <p>神经内科博士,毕业于浙江大学。主任医师,博士生导师,曾到美国克利夫兰癫痫中心进修。<br/>社会任职<br/>中国抗癫痫协会青委中国抗癫痫协会共患病专业委员会委员中国研究型医院学会神经科学专委会委员中国老年医学学会神经医学分会委员浙江省抗癫痫协会常务理事<br/>科研成果<br/>先后主持了国家自然科学青年基金和面上项目共3项,参与6项国家自然基金、省科技厅重大课题。在Neuroscience、Epilepsy&amp;Behavior、Neurobiology of Disease等专业期刊上发表10余篇SCI文章。</p>


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